Development status of micro switch industry

As one of the basic electronic component products, the micro switch has basically achieved nationalized production. Micro switches have a wide range of applications, not only in precision manufacturing industries such as medical instruments and aviation equipment, but also in industries with relatively low technical content such as toy manufacturing.

Micro switches are composed of five major categories of components. The contact distance is small and the torque is large. Usually there is a drive rod on the outside. The micro switch is a contact mechanism with a small contact interval and a snap-action mechanism, and a contact mechanism that performs the switching action with a specified stroke and a specified force. Small, hence the name micro switch, also called sensitive switch.

There are many types of micro switches, and there are hundreds of internal structures. According to the volume, there are ordinary, small, and ultra-small; according to the protection performance, there are waterproof, dust-proof, and explosion-proof types; according to the breaking form, there are Single type, double type, multi-link type.

At present, the domestic market companies include: the main companies in the micro switch industry include Japan’s Omron, Germany’s Marquardt, American Honeywell, Huida Electromechanical, Defeng Electric and so on.

Micro switches are used for automatic control and safety protection in equipment that requires frequent circuit switching, and are widely used in electronic equipment, instrumentation, mining, power systems, household appliances, electrical equipment, as well as aerospace, aviation, ships, missiles, Military fields such as tanks have been widely used in the above fields. Although the switch is small, it plays an irreplaceable role.

At present, the micro switches on the domestic market have different mechanical lifespans ranging from 3W times to 1000W times according to different requirements. Generally, there are 10W times, 20W times, 50W times, 100W times, 300W times, 500W times and 800W times. They are generally used in China. Beryllium bronze, tin bronze and stainless steel wire are used as reeds. Foreign ALPS can achieve up to 1000W times. Their reeds are made of rare metal titanium.


Post time: Aug-18-2022