Qindao electric blanket switch fails frequently, merchants have refunded consumers

Xinwang, May 10 (Reporter Zhao Baohui) In 2021, Mr. Wang, a citizen, purchased a waterproof and adjustable temperature electric blanket in the Qindao electric blanket outlet store.To the surprise of consumers, in the course of one year of use, the electric blanket switch failed many times and could not be used. ?” Mr. Wang told Xinwang (0532-80889431) that in the face of the quality problems exposed by electric blankets, he was most worried that personal safety would be harmed in the later stage.Xinwang learned that the Qindao Electric Blanket Direct Sales Store, the merchant involved, has refunded the customer in full, and the customer also accepts the solution given by the merchant.
In April last year, Mr. Wang, a citizen, spent 70 yuan to buy an electric blanket at the Qindao flagship store due to his body cold.After a period of use, the electric blanket switch failed twice in the last year alone.According to Mr. Wang’s recollection, his electric blanket was turned off at that time, but the temperature did not rise after turning on the switch.”At the time, I thought something was wrong with the heater inside the blanket, but when I asked someone to repair it, I found out that it was the switch.” After the repair, the consumer used it for a while and found that the switch failed again.Had to repair again.
On April 27 this year, when Mr. Wang was using this electric blanket normally, the switch failed again, which made him intolerable.”It’s only been a year since I bought the electric blanket, and the switch frequently fails. How can I use it normally?” He told Xinwang. What worries him the most is that the frequent failure of the switch may affect the components inside the blanket, resulting in personal safety being affected. damage.
In response to the problems reported by Mr. Wang, Xinwang contacted the Qindao flagship store.The other staff said that they did not know about the matter.When Xinwang proposed to check the relevant product certificate, the staff did not provide it.
Xinwang learned from Mr. Wang that he had lodged a complaint with the market supervision department.In order to further understand the situation, Xinwang also contacted the Jimo District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau.The market supervision department responded after inquiring about the matter, saying that after they received the complaint information, the law enforcement officers ordered the merchant to deal with the problem, and the merchant has also processed the return and refund for the customer.”We also conducted a return visit to the consumer during this period, and he said he accepted the solution given by the merchant.” The staff said.


Post time: May-11-2022